What we do
Focus France
What we do
Focus France

Vive La France

The French real estate market has been gaining global significance for years. In our 'Focus France', we explore the factors that make it a prime investment destination for institutional investors. Learn more about the opportunities here:

The Grande Nation in Focus

France has been advancing for years. Economic stability and business-friendly policies have made the country attractive for investors. Find out more here.

Savoir-faire: AM ALPHA's Presence in France

AM ALPHA's presence in France is not limited to its own team. The company has strategically expanded its portfolio with notable acquisitions, not only along the Seine, but also along the Garonne and the Deûle, showcasing a diverse investment strategy. Click here for more information.​​​​​​​

Paris is Unmissable

France's property market is one of the most liquid in Europe. Paris dominates, attracting significantly more investment capital than all other French cities combined. Click here for the news article.

ESG as a Prerequisite

AM ALPHA has been active in the French market for over a decade. In an interview, Etienne Marcot, AM ALPHA's Head of France, explains the unique features of France as a real estate location and AM ALPHA's investment approach. Read here.